Boredom Munchies  

Friday, August 22, 2008

A drawing made by me in...I think around 2004 or so. It was a stepping stone into a fandom I would continually devote myself to, even to this day ^^

I had been goofing off in class and swiped a random peice of paper no one was using and started drawing a chair, then I recalled the anime FMA (this was when it was just beggining to circulate on adult swim) and drew Ed on the chair with a box of pocky
*I wrote it as Bocky for a pun* The paper I drew it on ended up on the scanner as well, so the backward 'history' was an accident.

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1 comments: to “ Boredom Munchies

  • Feeby Neko
    August 23, 2008 at 12:14 AM  

    Twee! You're such a wonderful artist, dearie! :D Makes me jelouse sometimes ;) jk. I'm so happy to see you using the blog, you're doing a great job on both your art and your writing. Keep it up!


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